We pace toward our belief
Preserving our precedent achievement, as well, an alignment with modern world’s changes demand us to maintain a complete observation over all aspects of strategic management, knowledge base made production, human resources empowerment and enhancement of software and hardware tools.
Azinsaboksazan Miyaneh, precisely plans to develop its production, undertakes not only to create suitable environment for employment, adding further, to enhance its employees’ professional competency. As well in addition to achieve its own goal, it takes further steps to enrich passion and motivation for its employees.
Customer service is the highest significant investment of our company because in world of competition, our capability to communicate with our customer is much more important than our monetary assets , thus we do take our best effort to maintain our customer’s loyalty toward us.
I maintain my deepest hope that in our plans for producing and marketing our products, we also would be able to both respond effectively to our respective customer’s expectation, and further to take efficient steps toward the development of dry wall use and supplying advance and modern constructional systems , considering the essential needs of our country. I further maintain the hope that we network and cooperate with our employers and customers, in a manner that enables us to provide a dynamic and increasingly knowledge based environment for our company. After all we maintain our hope to take further steps toward the development and elevation of our beloved country of Iran.